Goal 5: Child Care

We support workers and employers by increasing access to affordable high-quality childcare, promoting early learning, and fostering long-term self-sufficiency for families


5.1 Access: Support expansion of childcare facilities into childcare deserts. Increase provider capacity through supply of additional slots.

5.2 Whole Family: Provide financial support through scholarships to local families. Leverage workforce services for individuals requesting and receiving childcare services.

5.3 Quality: Assist childcare providers to achieve higher Texas Rising Star ratings

5.4 Professional Recognition: Support advances in education and training for childcare educators. Support advances in building pipeline of early childhood educators

5.5 Promote Partnerships; Leverage public and private resources to support the childcare ecosystem of providers and families

5.6 Data Collection: Assess data collection capacity. Work in community to improve data collection and analysis capabilities. Create special report on childcare access for children ages infant to age 3. Create a dashboard annually to share the state of childcare in Travis County from WFS’ perspective.

5.7 Policy Tracking: Report to Childcare Advisory Council and Board of Directors (as appropriate) local, state and federal childcare policies that impact localized childcare system and services

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