Strategic Plan 2025-2027

So that everyone in our region can build a career, and every employer can hire local.




Hire Local History


In the News


Give Input on the Goals + Objectives


Latest Outcomes




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Hire Local History

The Hire Local Plan broadens the aperture of the first Community Workforce Plan to achieve three big things for workforce development: 1) increase skilled local talent while better defining the region’s capacity for training, 2) improve income for local people by creating an affordability index; and 3) grow payrolls for local businesses.

March 2017

Launched Austin Metro Area Community Workforce Plan

Created a first-of-its-kind common agenda and framework for a more demand-driven, collaborative workforce system; evaluated training and wage outcomes from 2017-2021
November 2021

Conducted community engagement sessions to shape next plan

With the Community Workforce Plan's evaluation window passed, Workforce Solutions Capital Area directly engaged community members and organizations in long-range planning and programming activities
April 2022

Launched Austin's Hire Local Plan

The next Community Workforce Plan iteration broadened the aperture to better define the region’s capacity for training and create an affordability index
November 2022

Final year analysis for Community Workforce Plan completed

Evaluated training and wage outcomes for Oct 2020 - Sept 2021.
April 2023

Adopted Mobility + Infrastructure as Newest Target Industry

Based on Workforce Solutions Capital Area's outlook on the future workforce needs and growth of this region
Sept 2023

First analysis of the Hire Local Plan completed

Evaluated Austin metro area training and wage outcomes from Oct 2021 through Sept 2022.


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In the News

Stories of the progress, partnerships, and milestones driving economic opportunity for all.


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Goals + Objectives

We focus on boosting access and eliminating barriers for careers in growth industries through education, employer collaboration, and comprehensive childcare support.

Focus Industries

Healthcare; Information Technology; Skilled Trades; Manufacturing; and Mobility and Infrastructure (includes industry-supporting business roles)

Workforce Solutions Capital Area regularly analyzes the regional labor market, looking for industry and occupational trends. Based on our analysis, we have identified the most in-demand industries and occupations, which guides the investment of workforce program funds for training.

Why these industries?

Give input: Learn more about each of the objectives to achieve these goals with the ability to provide comments.

Target Populations

We serve all Austin-Travis County residents but have identified three populations with greater need/opportunity based

Goal 1: Career Awareness + Enrollment

We cultivate interest in high-demand, quality entry- and mid-level careers

Goal 2: Career Readiness + Training

We remove barriers and equip workers with the skills they need to succeed

Goal 3: Employment

We connect employers with local talent to fill quality entry-level jobs and good-paying career pathways

Goal 4: Upskilling

We assist frontline and mid-level workers in acquiring skills and higher-pay through employer-based partnerships

Goal 5: Child Care

We support workers and employers by increasing access to affordable high-quality childcare, promoting early learning,
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Latest Outcomes

Insights and impact achieved through the Hire Local Plan.

2023 Hire Local Annual Report (Year 1)

The Hire Local evaluation seeks to understand whether the size and efficacy of the training...
