Goal 5: Child Care

Goal 5: Child Care

Goal 5: Child Care We support workers and employers by increasing access to affordable high-quality childcare, promoting early learning, and fostering long-term self-sufficiency for families OBJECTIVES 5.1 Access: Support expansion of childcare facilities into...
Goal 5: Child Care

Goal 4: Upskilling

Goal 4: Upskilling We assist frontline and mid-level workers in acquiring skills and higher-pay through employer-based partnerships OBJECTIVES 4.1 Upskilling: Promote apprenticeship (in all its forms) for workers and employers 4.2 Wage + Training Support: Help...
Goal 5: Child Care

Goal 3: Employment

Goal 3: Employment We connect employers with local talent to fill quality entry-level jobs and good-paying career pathways OBJECTIVES 3.1 Seamless Hiring: Reduce hiring hassles by connecting qualified job candidates to employer job postings 3.2 Local Hiring: Promote...
Goal 5: Child Care

Goal 2: Career Readiness + Training

Goal 2 : Career Readiness + Training We remove barriers and equip workers with the skills they need to succeed OBJECTIVES 2.1 Skills Alignment: Ensure that training curricula are aligned with regional employers’ needs and a 21st century workplace 2.2 Capacity: Grow...
Goal 5: Child Care

Goal 1: Career Awareness + Enrollment

Goal 1: Career Awareness + Enrollment We cultivate interest in high-demand, quality entry- and mid-level careers OBJECTIVES 1.1 Labor Market Info: Package and publish labor market and career information to support outreach activities 1.2 General Education: Design and...
Goal 5: Child Care

Target Populations

Target Populations We serve all Austin-Travis County residents but have identified three populations with greater need/opportunity based on local data. This additional focus helps us strategically improve areas of service within our Hire Local Plan. An individual can...