Travis County began requesting applications for its Stabilization Grants for child care providers on November 12, 2020. Providers have until November 25 to complete and submit an application. Travis County will disburse funding to awarded providers in December.
Interested child care providers must meet the follow eligibility requirements:
- Program is in Travis County, but outside of Austin City Limits.
- Be licensed or registered with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
- Currently open or temporarily closed and must have an active permit. If closed, must intend to reopen.
- Served at least one child referred to Workforce Solutions Child Care Services for any period of time from September 1, 2019-September September 1, 2020.
- Be Texas Rising Star certified, have a National Accreditation, or have a Texas Rising Star appointment scheduled with intent to become Texas Rising Star certified.
- Have been impacted by COVID-19 related disruptions and must have incurred current or anticipated costs related to COVID-19 and have less than 3 months of working funds or operating reserve.
- Decrease in the number of full-time direct care staff due to COVID-19 from March 1, 2020 to present OR decrease in the number of children enrolled due to COVID-19 from March 1, 2020 to present.
- Meet or exceed the City of Austin Mayor’s recommended COVID-19 safety guidelines or demonstrate appointment with Austin Public Health to implement guidelines.
To begin, download a copy of the application.
I need help to find out if I already have a application submitted for the waitlist for Daycare I remembered applying but I can’t find it
I have custody of my niece she has been in my home since maybe I can get some more money for the us to get some transportation for dr appointments I’m by bk a fixed income and I took in my brother on top of having two kids of my own any help would be great.
Hi Annette, please contact our Child Care Services team by phone or email and they may be able to assist you: call 512.549.4967 and select option 5 or send an email to
I am trying to help my cousin and his three kids, a set of twins under 2 years old and a 11th month old. Trying to find child care for him because I’m MHMR and running out of patience.
I have custody of my niece she has been in my home since may bk a fixed income and I took in my brother on top of having two kids of my own any help would be great.