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2.4 Persistence

2.4 Persistence

2.4. PERSISTENCE. Enhance economically disadvantaged students’ persistence and completion rates RESPONSIBLITY: Education & Training (Lead) Data & Evaluation (Support) Backbone (Advisory) Communications (Advisory) Industry Partnerships (Advisory) Policy &...
2.4 Persistence

2.2 Capacity

2.2. CAPACITY. Grow capacity of regional training providers to meet the demand for middle-class workers RESPONSIBLITY: Education & Training (Lead) Backbone (Support) Data & Evaluation (Support) Policy & Systems Change (Support) Communications (Advisory)...
1.1 Labor Market Information

1.1 Labor Market Information

1.1 LABOR MARKET INFORMATION. Package and publish labor market and career information to support outreach activities RESPONSIBLITY: Backbone (Lead) Industry Partnerships (Support) Data & Evaluation (Support) Communications (Advisory) Education & Training...