AUSTIN – Figures released by the Texas Workforce Commission today show the unemployment rate in the Austin-Round Rock MSA* increased from 2.6% in February 2020 to 3.5% in March 2020. The 3.5% unemployment rate represented 43,971 residents seeking jobless benefits. The region’s unemployment rate remained below both the Texas (4.7%)** and national (4.5%)** rates.

Further, unemployment in the Capital Area/Travis County*** rose from 2.6% in February 2020 to 3.4% in March 2020. The 3.4% unemployment rate represented 25,454 residents who have applied for jobless benefits. The Capital Area/Travis County unemployment rate remained below the overall Austin-Round Rock MSA rate, and the state of Texas and national rates.

Workforce Solutions Capital Area is providing assistance to affected residents and businesses while the COVID-19 health crisis impacts our region’s economy.

“We’re here to help our community weather this storm, whether it’s helping impacted workers to find a job, childcare for Austin’s essential workforce, or businesses to keep their doors open and their people working,” said Tamara Atkinson, Chief Executive Officer for Workforce Solutions Capital Area.