AUSTIN, Texas – Workforce Solutions Capital Area is the recipient of $548,883 in grants to aid in expanding Registered Apprenticeship programs in the manufacturing, technology and healthcare industries. These grants were awarded by a mix of both public and private entities, including Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and the Healthcare Career Advancement Program (H-CAP). The industries supported by these grants have experienced a skills gap over the past several years, and the new apprenticeship opportunities will help Travis County residents earn higher wages while achieving a certification and on-the-job training that will help them advance their careers.

“We are grateful for the ongoing support from our community, which allows us to offer these apprenticeship programs and provide much needed opportunities to grow our region’s manufacturing, technology and healthcare industries,” Tamara Atkinson, chief executive officer of Workforce Solutions Capital Area, said. “Programs like these allow for the development of a highly skilled workforce, provide residents with the tools they need to get hired for high-paying jobs, and support employers with a diverse and talented applicant pool from which to recruit.”

Enrollment for these apprenticeships is currently open for those interested in careers in technology and healthcare. Enrollment in manufacturing is scheduled to open in January 2023. To apply or learn more about these apprenticeships, please visit

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