The Austin Metro Area Community Workforce Plan (MCWP) lays out a common agenda and establishes a framework for collaboration to coordinate the efforts of the region’s workforce development organizations and educational institutions. The overarching vision for this plan focuses on a more demand-driven workforce system that effectively engages employers, community-based organizations, and educational institutions; empowers residents to more efficiently match employers’ skills needs; and successfully prepares economically disadvantaged residents for good jobs.

This report seeks to determine which relevant services and training the region provided and establish unduplicated records across the workforce system during the baseline and Year One periods to accurately measure the scale of efforts along with the outcomes of participants, including program completion, employment, and earnings. As the region continues to implement the MCWP, this evaluation report serves as a reference to how the system functioned prior to and immediately after this effort and provides accurate numbers with which to compare results of ongoing and future regional coordination and collaboration.

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