Austin-Area Unemployment Dips to 2.6% in September

AUSTIN – Figures released by the Texas Workforce Commission today show the unemployment rate in the Austin-Round Rock MSA decreased from 2.8% in August 2019 to 2.6% in September 2019. The 2.6% unemployment rate represented 31,907 residents seeking employment. The region’s unemployment rate remained below both the Texas (3.3%) and national (3.3%) rates.

The Austin-Round Rock MSA collectively added 100 jobs in September 2019. The region’s 1.8% annual growth rate represented the collective addition of 19,500 jobs since September 2018.

Further, unemployment in the Capital Area/Travis County decreased from 2.7% in August 2019 to 2.5% in September 2019. The 2.5% unemployment rate represented 18,384 residents seeking employment. The Capital Area/Travis County unemployment rate remained below the overall Austin- Round Rock MSA, state of Texas and national rates.