Welcome, Make It students and everyone!

Workforce Solutions Capital Area is here to help you secure a job fast and help you with the costs and other services you need.

Austin Unemployment Rate Continues to Fall

Job Seekers

We are your go-to source for job search assistance and employment-related services.


Youth Services


We help young people complete their education in order to find and retain employment.


Child Care

Child Care

Our Child Care Services team provides child care assistance to eligible families in Travis County.


More Resources

Jobs NOW
We verify these are open positions with local companies that are ready to hire. See them now.
Targeted Occupations & Training Opportunities

Get labor market information on Austin’s most high-demand occupations, including wages, projected job openings. We can also fund training in these fields for eligible residents.

Hiring Events & Workshops

Browse our event calendar for our upcoming resume workshops, career fairs, and more!

Career Profiles

Our career profiles are printable resources for students and job seekers to explore careers in different industries. See them now.

Contact Us

Use the form below to get in touch with a Workforce Solutions representative.

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