The family that reads together, learns together. When parents are involved in their children’s reading, it has a positive effect on their growing language and literacy skills. For this reason, we’re celebrating National Family Literacy Day today.
This day is meant to bring awareness to the importance of family literacy through the encouragement and education of parents and caregivers, with a focus on the powerful lifelong effect on learning that begins when they participate in children’s literacy practices.
Since 1994, when Congress passed a joint resolution designating November 1 as National Family Literacy Day, people nationwide have celebrated the value of family literacy programs. Your local school and library may be celebrating today with activities like read-a-thons and book drives.
How can you help your children become more literate? Here are three ideas perfect for National Family Literacy Day:
Encourage children to read to their younger siblings. When older brothers or sisters are reading, they are demonstrating their love of reading to their younger siblings.
Take turns. Involve your children in preparing reading times. When then can choose the book, time or location, they will feel more involved.
Schedule it. Reading is just as important as play dates and practices for children’s growth. Make reading a priority by marking reading times on your calendar. You don’t have to limit reading to just today! Make time in your schedule, and you can make reading to your children a regular habit.
Becoming more involved in your children’s literacy is just one way you can be a great parent. For more ideas and resources, visit our Child Care Resources page.
Have other ideas? Let us know in a comment below!