
Workforce Solutions Capital Area provides subsidized childcare assistance to eligible low- to moderate-income families in Travis County while parents can find work or complete training to support their families. Our services related to child care are not just for Austin’s parents, however, but child care providers as well. One of our largest offerings is an annual training event called the Child Care Directors Symposium, now in its 17th year.

This year’s Directors Symposium is February 22 – 23 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Austin. We partnered with Kaplan Early Learning Company and Lakeshore Learning Company to host this valuable educational event for providers of high-quality early childhood education in Austin/Travis County.

The two-day Directors Symposium features keynote speakers and many working sessions for the directors of child care providers to earn training hours around specific areas for licensing, leadership and advocacy that meet state and Texas Rising Star requirements. Hundreds of directors from the Austin metro region and neighboring communities attend each year.

Each symposium has a theme, and 2019’s is Breaking Barriers: Changing the Climate Within Your Program. With this theme, we hope to motivate participants to strengthen their centers’ programs for the benefit of staff and children alike.

Why offer an event like this? The Austin community benefits when we inform and inspire child care staff and administrators to provide high-quality care to local families. Nurturing the next generation of Austin’s workforce is just one of the many ways Workforce Solutions Capital Area strives to enhance the economic competitiveness of our region.

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