Press Kit: Building the Future of the Workforce (Precinct One Engagement Session)

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Subject: [Apr 6] You’re invited: Building the Future of the Workforce

Dear members of the Manor community,

Travis County Precinct One, Manor ISD, and Workforce Solutions Capital Area invite you to join us for a community engagement session Wednesday, April 6 at 4:30pm in the Manor ISD Central Administration Building board room (get directions).

The meeting is part of an ongoing effort to convene community leaders to learn and give feedback on how Workforce Solutions Capital Area (the local workforce development board for Austin-Travis County) can link your constituents to high-demand, higher-paying jobs. We will discuss expanded training opportunities made possible by workforce development investments from Travis County and City of Austin.

I hope that you can attend. If you plan to join us, you can learn more and RSVP here:



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Austin unemployment is near pre-pandemic levels and job growth is booming. But these job opportunities and financial gains have not been experienced by everyone in our community, particularly those with lower income, less education, and people of color.

Join community leaders April 6 to learn and give feedback on how Workforce Solutions Capital Area (the local workforce development board for Austin-Travis County) can link their constituents to high-demand, higher-paying jobs. We will discuss expanded training opportunities made possible by workforce development investments from Travis County and City of Austin.


Join community leaders April 6 to learn and give feedback on how your constituents can connect to high-demand, higher-paying jobs. Hosted by Manor ISD in partnership with Travis County Precinct One and Workforce Solutions Capital Area.

Learn more and RSVP:

TAG US FB / Twitter @wfscapitalarea · LinkedIn @Workforce Solutions Capital Area

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